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I’m back.

Writing blogs is, for me, like yapping away with someone.  It is storytelling.  It is sometimes recording of my own critical thinking, but more often than not, it is a good distraction from unwanted thoughts.  It had been procrastination.

I just went through a phase where I needed to face those unwanted thoughts and do something about it.  I needed to prioritize the process of crawling through this phase and be done with it.  I had put off so many things in order to focus on the process, and I missed out a lot during that time…  That is why I didn’t blog for almost 14 months.

But that phase is over.  I’m done with it.  I’m excited to get back to occasional blogging— this time as recreation, and not procrastination or distraction!

Let me give a quick shout-out to my conducting 2324 students at Temple— you rock!
